Enable everyone to
become a leader

The scalable, science-backed SelfLed platform to grow your employees, business and positive impact

Trusted by Leading Organizations

From Pain to Gain

Challenges Transformed

Navigate FROM static cultures and unengaged meetings TO dynamic, actionable leadership with a single click. SelfLed revolutionizes the way leaders inspire change and drive self-leadership and team performance.
Real Change, Realized
Activate your strategic and cultural ambitions with SelfLed. Our platform will empower your leaders and teams to align actions with organizational goals, fostering a culture of proactive change and enhanced leadership skills. Strengthen key leadership and self-leadership capabilities, and engage and empower everyone to become change agents.
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Science-Driven Action Learning
Experience our collection of over 50+ team sessions, designed to cultivate insights and foster sustainable habits. Each session is a step forward on your transformation.
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The Selfled Leadership tool

Our digital platform supports the creation of strong and proactive cultures where everyone see themselves as a leader.
What do we do
We offer experience-based and customized self-leadership programs and modules.
Why do we do it
To create the best conditions for proactive cultures, while fostering well-being and sustainable impact.
How do we do it
Through digital 10-60 min selfled activities, and tools to follow up on the progress.

Dive Deeper into SelfLed

Solutions aligned with Your organization’s objectives. SelfLed’s platform uniquely caters to essential organizational needs through tailored use cases such as Onboarding, Team Building, Leadership Activation and Culture Activation.
Culture Onboarding
Create clarity and real ownership for desired culture by onboarding individuals and teams.
Team Collaboration
Strengthen trust, learning and mobilize actions in your teams.
Leadership Development
Activate your leadership principles and develop your leaders by providing a cutting-edge leadership toolbox.

Empowering Thousands Annually

Every year, we supply thousands of individuals with knowledge, tools and practice on how to lead themselves and others.
Happy clients
Countries served
People who have used our tools
Customer Reviews
"Who should do the self-leadership program? Everyone!"​

Leadership Developer
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Our Story
Every year, we supply thousands of individuals with knowledge on how to lead themselves and others. As our world and society continue to become more dynamic, fast-paced, and complex, the ways of dealing with leadership and company management must also change.

Today, we wholeheartedly invest in facilitating virtual workshops and programs to strengthen organization-wide movements toward a specific strategic direction. Our digitally designed and produced workshops and programs are always based on the latest research in the fields of motivational psychology, behavioral science, and leadership development.

At Self Leaders, we live by the 1:1:1 principle. Every purchase of the SelfLed tool supports a student or NGO worker and contributes to treeplanting in East Africa with Earthbanc, turning digital experiences into tangible ecological benefits..
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Boost engagment, development and team collaboration